Tell the Senate to protect our water! | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Tell the Senate to protect our water!

Week in Washington AppVoices 064

 Several members of the U.S. Senate – including Kentucky senators McConnell and Paul – are pushing amendments that would keep the Environmental Protection Agency from doing its job, while also doing serious damage to the Clean Water Act.

They are pushing three amendments to the Water Resources Development Act of 2013 (S. 601), legislation directed at restoring ecosystems and reducing erosion. Those amendments are:

Amendment #850 would remove EPA’s critical yet scarcely used authority to stop Section 404 permits for harmful projects that discharge dredge and fill materials into rivers, lakes and streams such as valley fills associated with mountaintop removal mining. This amendment also removes EPA’s authority to ensure states effectively implement state water quality standards and improve standards without states agreeing to the changes. This amendment would also prevent EPA from objecting to state-approved NPDES water pollution permits that do not meet the minimum standards of the law.

Amendment #846 would prohibit EPA from using its Clean Water Act authority to veto a dredge and fill permit that has a significantly adverse effect on drinking water, fisheries, wildlife or recreational areas, if EPA acts after the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issues a permit, as was the case recently with the Spruce mine in West Virginia. Currently, under the Clean Water Act, the EPA has this clear authority (recently upheld by a federal court) to veto permits for dredge and fill activities such as valley fills associated with mountaintop removal mining. This amendment would be retroactive to 1972!

Amendment #846, sponsored by Sen. Rand Paul, would change the definition of waters that are under the jurisdiction of the Clean Water Act by eliminating protections for intermittent and ephemeral streams. Again, this is a direct attempt to stop EPA's efforts to stop (or at least limit) the dumping of toxic mining wastes into Kentucky headwater streams.

The Water Resources Development Act of 2013 is a big bill that deals with all kinds of water projects across the U.S. This bill has so many projects that nearly every Senator wants to see addressed for their state that the bill appears to have overwhelming support. So if these bad amendments get attached it is likely the bill will still pass.

Take Action

We need to stop these amendments – either by having Senate leadership limit the number of amendments on the bill through a cloture motion, or by voting them down.

Call Senate President Harry Reid at 202-224-3542 with this message:

Oppose all amendments to the Water Resources Development Act intended to weaken the Clean Water Act and its enforcement by the EPA, including Amendment numbers 801, 846 and 850.

Please call starting as early as you can on Tuesday morning.

Have some extra time?

If you're able to make some additional calls beside one to Sen. Reid, these are the other senators who are consider swing votes. Please call the offices of as many as you can – and forward this message to anyone you know who lives in these states.

Senator Sherrod Brown
Ohio: 202-224-2315

Senator Lamar Alexander
Tennessee: 202-224-4944

Senator Bob Corker
Tennessee: 202-224-3344

Senator Tim Kaine
Virginia: 202-224-4024

Senator Mark Warner
Virginia: 202-224-2023

Senator Robert Casey
Pennsylvania: 202-224-6324

Senator Tammy Baldwin
Wisconsin: 202-224-5653

Senator Susan M. Collins
Maine: 202-224-2523

Senator Kay R. Hagan
North Carolina: 202-224-6342

Senator Mark Udall
Colorado: 202-224-5941

Senator Max Baucus
Montana: 202-224-2651

Senator Jon Tester
Montana: 202-224-2644

Thanks for taking action!

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